Mining Power and NFT Luck

Mining Power and NFT Luck are important factors in the Space Power Game that determine the success of your missions and your rewards. These values depend on the quantity and rarity of your Astronauts and Buildings. Staking can be used to increase the total values.

Each Astronaut and Building in the Space Power Game gives Mining Power and NFT Luck. The Mining Power and NFT Luck values of Buildings and Astronauts are not simply added up. To create a perfectly balanced game we decided to upgrade the calculation formula. The Mining Power and NFT Luck of your Buildings is combined to form a daily bonus, which is then used to supplement the Mining Power and NFL Luck of your Astronauts on missions. If you have a small and simple base, then you will not be able to realize the full potential of your Astronauts team on a mission.

For example, your Buildings produce 10 Mining Power and you have two teams of Astronauts. First team gives 8 Mining Power and the second team also gives 8 Mining Power. On the mission your first team will have 8 Mining Power from Astronauts and will get the same value - 8 from the Buildings Mining Power daily bonus. But The second team on the mission will have 8 Mining Power and will get only 2 Mining Power from your Buildings Mining Power daily bonus. This happens because each team takes a part of the Mining Power daily bonus from the Buildings 10 - 8 = 2. Thus the first team took 8 Mining Power from the Buildings and only 2 left for the second team. All the same applies to NFT Luck. Every day the Mining Power and NFL Luck values on the base are refilled to their default values. At the same time all spaceships and astronauts get unlocked and you can send teams on missions again. Thus, you should be interested in increasing your base in order to realize the mining potential of all astronaut teams.

All Planets have their own Mining Power and NFT Luck multiplier. Depending on the rarity of the Radar System installed at your base, you have the possibility to fly to a specific planet.

There are different types of missions available in the game. They can be both on the planets and in the space. Some special missions will appear and disappear throughout the day. Each mission type has different Mining Power and NFT Luck ratios. For example on the Mining missions your team will get more SPW Tokens but a small chance of getting NFTs. In Exploration missions, the same team will have a higher chance of getting NFTs, but fewer SPW Tokens. It's up to you to decide which missions are best for your team of astronauts.

Players have many ways to develop their base, fleet and astronaut teams. Create your own strategy to earn more SPW Tokens and get valuable NFTs.

You can get additional Mining Power and NFT Luck using Staking. More information about Staking here:

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